Jerry Iggulden died in 2012

Our friend from Burbank High class of 1970, Alan Landros, wrote to tell me that yesterday he attended the funeral of teacher Bill North.

One of the four speakers was Mary Iggulden, BHS ‘74.  Afterwards I talked to her and asked her if Jerry was her brother, or if Scott was her brother.  She said Jerry was her brother, and Scott was their cousin.  She said Jerry passed away in 2012, and that he and his wife lived in Santa Monica when he died.  She didn’t volunteer any details other than that.  We all know that Scott Iggulden was killed in Viet Nam, probably from the latest class from BHS of those killed in Viet Nam, BHS ‘68.

Alan said that Jerry’s sister, Mary, especially wanted to get the message to our classmate Marty Gelbard, since “Jerry and Marty went through Thomas Jefferson together, too, and that the Igguldens lived near the school on Karen St., and I know back then the Gelbards lived on Eton Dr. near the school.”

Please share your memories of Jerry in the comments below.

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About Katherine Crosier

I am an organist in Honolulu—a rare breed of folks who play the King of Instruments! Through stories, photos, and videos, this blog is a diary of my musical journey ... and my family just groans!

2 responses »

  1. bill reimers says:

    So sorry to hear about Jerry. We were friends in school from Junior High through High School. Always easy to talk with and have fun. So many memories through Junior and Senior high of a group of us sitting together and eating lunch and laughing our butts off. We always called Marty ‘Ano” and it was funny that he grew up to be a Urologist)))) I sincerely hope that Jerry had a wonderful life. 62 is so young to pass away. God Bless you Jerry.


  2. Tonia Mapston says:

    I went through TJES with Marty and Jerry! Last connected with Marty 7/1994 at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Burbank, when/where he was my dad’s Urologist, during his bout with prostrate cancer that took his life in 10/1994! All through TJES years, Marty was our class clown! Tonia Szilagyi Mapston ‘68

    Sent from my iPhone


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