6th Grade Class from Thomas Jefferson School. Darlene Carothers is on the far right end, first row.

6th grade, Mrs. Tindell

Grade 6-Mrs. Eichlin

Grade 5-Mrs. Wildey

Miss Ohs fifth grade class from Thomas Jefferson School, 1960-1961.

5th Grade, Miss Ohs

Fourth grade class, Thomas Jefferson School,

4th Grade, Mrs. Joyce

Grade 4-Mrs. Crocker


3rd Grade, Mrs. Hukill

Grade 1, Mrs. Gray

Grade 1, Mrs. Gray

Grade 2, Mrs. Wiebe

Grade 2, Mrs. Wiebe

Grade 1, Ms. Kaynor

Grade 1, Ms. Kaynor

Grade 1, Mrs. Cornwall

Kindergarten, Mrs. Hosier

Kindergarten, Mrs. Hosier

Kindergarten, Mrs. Freckelton


If you have any other photos of Jefferson School, please send them to Kathy Au Crosier. Click any photo to enlarge.

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